The Sandbox Explained

The Sandbox Explained

Blockchain Explained



June 2, 2022

4 Min Read

The evolution of blockchain technology facilitates the creation of a unified and complete Metaverse and it seems like humanity is preparing to welcome the idea of an interconnected virtual world. Although the achievement of this virtual reality is a far cry from today’s existing development, there are already a number of Metaverse-like projects that are experimenting with all that a virtual world can offer. The Sandbox is without a doubt one of the leading names in the Metaverse space that extends beyond its core capabilities of a game to create a virtual universe where users can create, own and monetize their experiences.  

What is The Sandbox?

In its nature, The Sandbox is a play-to-earn game built on the Ethereum blockchain that enables players to contribute to the creation of a virtual world via the use of NFTs. It's a 3D virtual universe that integrates DeFi and NFTs to offer unique experiences, digital ownership over virtual assets and an in-game economy that runs on SAND - the platform’s native token. 

Unlike a traditional gaming environment, The Sandbox encourages gamers to design their own content and creations in the form of NFTs, which they can use to earn rewards and monetize. Currently, The Sandbox is one of the most popular blockchain-based virtual worlds for gamers, along with Axie Infinity and Decentraland.

What is the role of blockchain in The Sandbox?

The Sandbox utilizes blockchain technology to create a virtual gaming experience that aims to challenge the traditional gaming model. The reliance on the Ethereum blockchain enables true ownership, immutability and monetization of assets. 

For instance, the use of NFTs is essential for the in-game economy of The Sandbox as these virtual assets are unique, authentic, and easily exchangeable. They’re a key element for The Sandbox’s ecosystem as they allow any participant to contribute to the creation and development of the game and establish true digital ownership. A blockchain-based infrastructure also powers a virtual economy, enhances security and permits cross-platform interoperability between other Ethereum-based gaming platforms.

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The assets available in The Sandbox

The Sandbox utilizes three token types to enable a circular economy for gamers, creators and land owners - SAND, LAND and graphic assets. 

SAND is at the core of any transaction on The Sandbox and it is the native utility token used for game interactions, purchasing LAND or trading assets in the Metaverse. However, it’s more than that as it also offers SAND holders governance and voting rights for platform amendments via a DAO structure. 

LAND, on the other hand, is a virtual plot of land in The Sandbox virtual world. LAND can be used to create gaming experiences, rent to other users, organize events and social interactions. Finally, ASSETS are voxel assets in the form of user-generated NFTs. They are available as in-game equipment, wearables, art and other valuables that can then be added to The Sandbox Marketplace and sold as NFTs. They enrich virtual experiences with content and are created on LANDs.

Core components of The Sandbox

The Sandbox Metaverse operates through the use of three core elements - Vox Edit, Game Maker and Marketplace. 


VoxEdit is a user-friendly 3D voxel modelling software that players can use to create NFT game assets. It enables the easy creation of voxel-based NFTs, which can be rigged, animated and traded on the Sandbox Marketplace. Players can customize and animate 3D objects like human avatars, animals, virtual wearables, vehicles and more. 

Game Maker

Game Maker is designed to allow participants in the Metaverse to design and create their own 3D games in The Sandbox. It’s an easy-to-use program that enables quick and code-free creations of virtual objects, elements and VoxEdit-created NFTs on LAND. Players can make changes to the terrain, create characters, buildings and contribute to the development of the Metaverse.

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The SandBox Marketplace is an NFT marketplace where users can monetize their digital asset creations by selling them to other participants in the virtual world. In order for a creation to become an ASSET on the Marketplace, it must be uploaded to an IPFS network with decentralized storage and added onto the blockchain for proof of ownership. Purchased ASSETS from the Marketplace can be integrated into LAND via the Game Maker. 

What can you do in The Sandbox?

The Sandbox is one of the fastest-growing Metaverse projects and offers users a myriad of virtual experiences, activities and earning opportunities. One of its most popular use cases is gaming, where players can experiment with an untraditional gaming model, with true ownership over assets and a decentralized ecosystem without a single governing body. The platform also offers a myriad of money-making opportunities as a play-to-earn model. Players can trade in-game assets and valuables, buy virtual land, organize virtual events, business meetings, concerts and move a step closer to getting a taste of the virtual reality that was only a possibility in science fiction a few years ago. 

As a 3D environment, the space enables players to enjoy an enriched gaming experience, while its virtual nature eliminates all physical barriers. It facilitates the emergence of new types of social interactions, events and forms of engagement. 

The evolution ahead 

With the Web3 transition and progress towards a more united and interconnected Metaverse, it is likely that we’ll see innovations in The Sandbox contributing to a unified system. To create the anticipated virtual universe that we’ve become familiar with via SciFi novels and movies, The Sandbox and other metaverse-like projects will need to establish communication between one another and find ways to provide a connected experience for users. 

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