LimeChain joins the Substrate Builder’s Program

LimeChain joins the Substrate Builder’s Program



Dimitar Bogdanov

February 17, 2021

4 Min Read

LimeChain is proud to announce that it has been selected to join Substrate Builder’s Program.

The Substrate Builder’s Program is aimed at providing mentorship and support to teams looking to build Substrate-related projects. The program consists of three tracks, each focused on a specific category of projects:

Chains track: supports projects utilizing Substrate to build chains, including independent chains, parachains and parathreads;

Infrastructure track: this track focuses on projects that are building Substrate/Polkadot-related infrastructure, including user interfaces, bridges, smart contract support and more;

Application track: this relates to projects looking to build innovative applications on top of Substrate-based chains.

LimeChain was accepted into the program after setting out to build Subsembly – an AssemblyScript runtime framework for the Polkadot community supported by Web3 Foundation grants. Last year, LimeChain built a Proof of Concept Substrate Runtime in AssemblyScript – a language similar to TypeScript. The PoC is now evolving into a full-blown framework for Substrate Runtime development – Subsembly. The goal of the project is to enable a wider community of developers to build runtimes in a language similar to TypeScript, which most blockchain developers are comfortable with.

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As one of the select teams participating in the program, LimeChain is eligible for a number of benefits that can significantly bolster Subsembly’s development and community adoption. Those include regular communication with the program’s technical leads to address any technical challenges; connection with other projects building on Substrate; media exposure; introductions to investors and access to a range of fundraising options, including Polkadot Ecosystem Fund, Incubator & Accelerator programs, Polkadot Treasury, and Web3 Foundation Grants.

Limechain’s participation in the program provides the company with an opportunity to further its already strong commitment to building innovative and impactful projects on Substrate. The program increases the company’s capacity and expertise to contribute to the vibrant Substrate and Polkadot ecosystems.

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